Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Anytime Fitness - Biggest Loser Challenge - Week 1

*Deep Breath*  Week 1 is DOWN & I must say "Challenge" is definitely what it is!  I think this is a great thing though, it is driving me to keep going and going and going.

Week 1 has been interesting for sure!  Monday, January 23, 2012 was the initial weigh-in, measurements and before pics, plus my regular workout.   >>Read More at Reshaping My Reality


  1. Loved ready this Jeran! I signed up to follow thru email too! Keep up the good work! I'm right there with you girl! :o)

  2. Your top 5 is the same as mine! But we knew that ;0 LOL. I am just happy that we are both finally finding our way and getting the weight off so we can be healthy!


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